Monday, April 29, 2019

Upload recent projects today for grading

Today we will check our progress and make sure all recent work is uploaded including:

Independent Projects
Photoshop text effects
Flower Compositions
Double Exposure

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Create a Double Exposure in Photoshop

Take a photograph of yourself or a classmate or a friend a create a Double Exposure in Photoshop. You can use a photo from the web as the inner part of the picture.

Image result for double exposure in photoshop cc

Here is a tutorial to follow, or you can find one on the web. There are slightly different ways to create this effect, but the end result is the same.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Shadows and Flowers studies

Today we will continue editing the shadows and flower pictures we took last week.

Make the shadows high contrast Black and White and next I will give a Photoshop demo of interesting ideas for the flowers.

Image result for shadow bw photography

Related image

Image result for shadow bw photography

Monday, April 1, 2019

Intro to the darkroom

Today the first film group will be introduced to the darkroom and printing processes. The rest will work on independent projects.

Complete Your Final Portfolio

Sorry I am not with you today. Please complete your Final Portfolio today and check your grades for any work you still may need to make up...