Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Independent Project Proposal

Today you will propose an independent project or series of projects for yourself.

The project must:

  • Use the entire class period for three classes
  • Use specific photographic and Photoshop tools and techniques
  • You must relate the project to an artist or art movement in some way

1.State the topic or title of your project
2.State the research you will conduct
3.Write a detailed description of how you envision the final project.
4.List the tools, techniques, and steps you will use to accomplish your goals for the project

Monday, February 11, 2019

Create a Surreal Image in Photoshop Using Scale

What is Surrealism? Magical Realism?

For our purposes Surreal or magical realism describes an image where the elements are a natural part in an otherwise mundane, realistic environment. Although it is most commonly used as a literary genre, magic realism also applies to film and the visual arts.

Here is a link to a TED talk by Erik Johansson. Erik creates realistic photos of impossible situations.

Today we will begin creating a surreal image using Photoshop.

Using the provided images plus at least one of your own, (either from the web or a photos you have taken), create a magical realist composition using exaggerated scale. You may select, crop, and place the elements in the composition in any way that presents them in an incongruous, unusual or “super normal” manner.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Cubist Photography Project

We will continue working on and complete our 2 Cubist Photographs today

1. Portrait
2. Landscape or object

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Cubist Photography Project

Today we will begin working on  Cubist photograph.

You will show a subject from multiple planes and points of view in a single cubist style image

First - Conduct research - What are the primary characteristics of cubism? How did artist David Hockney combine Photography and Cubism?

Second - Find Examples of Cubist portraiture, come up with ideas for creating your portrait.

Third - Take pictures of your subject from a variety of perspectives. Also take pictures to make an interesting background.

Fourth - Create an 11x11 300 dpi file in photoshop

Fifth - Use Selection Tools, Transform Tools, Layers, and Filters to develop your portrait.

Sixth - Continue to refine your artwork, we will discuss your progress as you work

Image result for cubist portrait, photography

Image result for cubist landscape, photography

Image result for cubist landscape, photography

Friday, February 1, 2019

Edit and Post Your Motion Blur Portraits

Today we will work with our motion blur portraits in Photoshop. They can be in color or black and white. You can also upload several different versions of the same photo with different edits.

Use your Photoshop editing skills and your creativity to create an interesting work of art!

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Complete Your Final Portfolio

Sorry I am not with you today. Please complete your Final Portfolio today and check your grades for any work you still may need to make up...